Leslie finds working on a variety of projects stimulating and fun. Each project uses a vast array of her skills. She incorporates her love of design, colors, patterns, and solving visual problems while working with clients. She enjoys the research and creating a product that a client can use for a wide audience.

Leslie continues to make contributions in computer graphics for advertising, websites, storyboarding, and computer animation projects. She most recently was an assistant editor on a documentary about the artist Milton Hebald called Hands of Eros; yet or be released. She was also the graphic designer in charge of movie posters and print collateral for the movie Pizza with Bullets an award winning feature film.

In July of 2011, she worked as a mural assistant at Harrah’s Casino in Reno, NV. The 7’46 and 17’49 mural of Lake Tahoe was served as a promotion for advertisement for several major beer companies set in a scenic view of Lake Tahoe. As she continues to seek a variety of challenging projects, Leslie maintains a pleasant disposition, and eagerness for new experiences.
